Journal of the ...Volume 11 Supplementary i... Research overvi...
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Research overview and outcomes: just transitions to decarbonisation in the Asia-Pacific

Clare Richardson-BarlowClare Richardson-Barlow

Dr Clare Richardson-Barlow is a Lecturer in East Asian Studies at the University of Leeds where she examines industrial decarbonisation from a political economy perspective and teaches on Asia-Pacific political economy topics. Clare is an interdisciplinary social scientist whose research and teaching explores climate and energy justice, political economy, and energy governance.

Nofri Yenita DahlanNofri Yenita Dahlan

Dr Nofri Dahlan is a Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and serves as Director of Solar Research Institute, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, Malaysia. Her research interests focus on power system, power generation investment, energy economics and policy, renewable energy, and energy management and efficiency. She used to work as UNIDO Policy Consultant for conducting Malaysian Solar Thermal Roadmap Deployment Plan activities.


This paper presents a comprehensive overview of a study examining microgrids for off-grid rural electrification in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam within the ASEAN context. Utilising mixed methods, this study delved into the techno-economic aspects of these systems and explored varied business models and governance strategies. It assessed how these models and strategies impact rural electricity access and contribute to a just regional energy transition. The study highlights the dual benefits of enhancing regional energy access and community empowerment while addressing shared challenges in climate change and decarboni- sation. It identified potential market opportunities at the national level, with an expectation of increased private sector involvement amid prospective system liberalisations. Viewed through the lens of energy justice, the regional energy transition is presented not only as an environmental imperative but also as a catalyst for economic growth. This involves creating jobs, expanding electricity access, and mitigating climate impacts for local communities and the broader region. This study also sheds light on workforce and labour support and industry transformation, suggesting avenues for future research.


ASEANenergy justicemicrogridselectricity accessenergy transitionlabour
Published on: 29 March 2024
Volume: 11
Issue: Supplementary issue 7
Article ID: 053
Article view count: 13
Article download count: 0
Pages:53 - 77
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© The author(s) 2024. This is an open access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License
Cite this article
Richardson-Barlow with Dahlan (2024), ‘Research overview and outcomes: just transitions to decarbonisation in the Asia-Pacific’, Journal of the British Academy, 11(7): 053

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Research overview and outcomes: just transitions to decarbonisation in the Asia-Pacific

Clare Richardson-BarlowClare Richardson-Barlow

Dr Clare Richardson-Barlow is a Lecturer in East Asian Studies at the University of Leeds where she examines industrial decarbonisation from a political economy perspective and teaches on Asia-Pacific political economy topics. Clare is an interdisciplinary social scientist whose research and teaching explores climate and energy justice, political economy, and energy governance.

Nofri Yenita DahlanNofri Yenita Dahlan

Dr Nofri Dahlan is a Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and serves as Director of Solar Research Institute, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, Malaysia. Her research interests focus on power system, power generation investment, energy economics and policy, renewable energy, and energy management and efficiency. She used to work as UNIDO Policy Consultant for conducting Malaysian Solar Thermal Roadmap Deployment Plan activities.