Journal of the ...Volume 11 Supplementary i... Rural electrifi...
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Research Article

Rural electrification efforts from the perspective of ASEAN Energy Awards

Monika MerdekawatiMonika Merdekawati

Monika Merdekawati is a research analyst at the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Department at ASEAN Centre for Energy. Beni Suryadi is the Manager of the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Department at ASEAN Centre for Energy. Veronica Ayu Pangestika is an associate research analyst of the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Department at ASEAN Centre for Energy. Zahrah Zafira is an associate research analyst of the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Department at ASEAN Centre for Energy.

Beni SuryadiBeni Suryadi
Veronica Ayu PangestikaVeronica Ayu Pangestika
Zahrah ZafiraZahrah Zafira


Access to reliable and affordable electricity remains a cornerstone of sustainable development and renewable energy in the ASEAN region. While all member states strive for universal electrification, progress varies significantly, influenced by diverse national landscapes and approaches. This research sheds light on rural electrification efforts through the lens of ASEAN Energy Awards, uncovering stakeholder roles, quantifying impacts, and promoting cross-learning among member states. Through analysis of project submissions and winners from 2010 to 2023 (N = 62), the study delves into three key areas. First, there has been a shift beyond traditional government-led initiatives. While state-owned enterprises, government agencies, and international development agencies remain active, the emergence of universities, private enterprises, non-profit organisations, and even communities themselves signals the growing importance of bottom-up approaches. The analysis delves into the prevalence of technologies like solar PV (photovoltaics) and micro-hydropower, revealing trends in installed capacity and cost-effectiveness (the dominance of projects below US$100,000). The study identifies consistent rural electrification efforts across countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand, which recorded the most project submissions. Findings reveal a dynamic landscape of rural electrification efforts in ASEAN. The rising presence of non-state actors and community-driven initiatives presents opportunities for increased private sector contributions and bottom-up solutions.


ASEANrural electrificationenergy awardsrenewable energyprivate sector initiatives
Published on: 29 March 2024
Volume: 11
Issue: Supplementary issue 7
Article ID: 013
Article view count: 22
Article download count: 0
Pages:13 - 31
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© The author(s) 2024. This is an open access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License
Cite this article
Merdekawati with Suryadi, Pangestika, Zafira (2024), ‘Rural electrification efforts from the perspective of ASEAN Energy Awards’, Journal of the British Academy, 11(7): 013

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Rural electrification efforts from the perspective of ASEAN Energy Awards

Monika MerdekawatiMonika Merdekawati

Monika Merdekawati is a research analyst at the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Department at ASEAN Centre for Energy. Beni Suryadi is the Manager of the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Department at ASEAN Centre for Energy. Veronica Ayu Pangestika is an associate research analyst of the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Department at ASEAN Centre for Energy. Zahrah Zafira is an associate research analyst of the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Department at ASEAN Centre for Energy.

Beni SuryadiBeni Suryadi
Veronica Ayu PangestikaVeronica Ayu Pangestika
Zahrah ZafiraZahrah Zafira